
We provide fresh and healthy plants for your space

We wanted to offer a wide variety of plants, but we also wanted to provide our customers with personalized service and advice. We believe that everyone deserves to have beautiful plants in their home, and we want to help them make the right choices.

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Our Story

Our Story

Our passion for plants started when we were just kids. We would spend hours in our backyard, tending to our vegetable garden and collecting wildflowers. As we got older, our love of plants only grew stronger. We both studied horticulture in college, and after graduation, we decided to open our own plant nursery.

We wanted to create a nursery that was different from the big-box stores. We wanted to offer a wide variety of plants, but we also wanted to provide our customers with personalized service and advice. We believe that everyone deserves to have beautiful plants in their home, and we want to help them make the right choices.

We are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality plants. We source our plants from reputable growers, and we inspect them carefully before they are put on sale. We also offer a variety of plant care services, so our customers can be sure that their plants are thriving.


We are passionate about plants, and we love sharing our knowledge with others. We believe that plants can make a positive impact on our lives, and we want to help people connect with nature. We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible experience, and we hope that you will visit our nursery soon.
AMit sharma
Founder, Owner
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